Friday, March 8, 2013

Fun in the Classroom and beyond

Today, in Walking (Don't laugh, it's a class here at SAC), we went on a walk from where we were (San Pedro Avenue and Ashby Place, up Ashby Place until reaching the Jewish Temple, taking a left, and just going up Belknap until we reached... Well the main idea is that my group had to walk a couple of miles. Since I haven't really done anything other than walk around Rivercenter Mall, or any of the malls here in SA, I'm not really in any shape to walk even a mile. Nevertheless, I got through it through the help and power of music.

I was taking with one of the walkers when this came up:

Her 1: Man you know I drink everyday, especially after I get through something like this.

Her 2: I know right? It's so tiring, but I think I'm losing a little bit of weight.

Her 1: Yeah? Well I've been praying and praying to lose weight

Me: Who have YOU been praying to? The God of Budwieser? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLZ

Afterwards, I went to eat at Jim's Restaurant and had me one of their patty melts. The one thing I remember is that the waiter would wait for me to take a bare sip of my Mountain Dew and he would refill it right on the spot. At least wait for me to finish it will ya!

When I came back to school (I was late for my Stars and Galaxies Class) I saw something interesting. Four tubes hooked up, almost looking like florescent or neon lights. Our class was given a special kind of looking glass, or lens, whatever, meant for the diffraction of light. We tested it on Helium, Neon, Hydrogen, and Florescent light.

Here's an example of what I mean using a "laser". No friggin sharks though :-( Sorry.

After class, I decided to go back home to Floresville (A 35 minute drive from SAC) and get myself a haircut. Since I didn't shower after my Walking class (A type of Gym class I might add) I returned home for mu necessary shower. Since I have long hair (See Below) I had a hell of a time getting the leftover hair from
clogging up my drain. In the end, It looked like I could give a baby a mullet, but I digress. Apologies if you are reading this while eating.

After all that, I made ANOTHER trip to San Antonio to see my girlfriend to assist her with her Skype. But once again, the power of the internetz defeated me. One of these days, I will get internetz faster than the God damned government or Chattanoga, Tennessee. Apologies of you're from Tennessee. ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL

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